City of Ottawa Spring Programs and Summer Camps Now Online at Spring Registration Begins February 13 at 9 pm.

Safety Measures

Orange STEM takes the safety of our students, clients and staff very seriously. Over the last three years we have implemented a host of new safety protocols to allow us to continue to bring LEGO engineering and robotics to students in person. We closely follow the COVID-19 guidelines from Ottawa Public Health and Ontario Health and aim to exceed these guidelines in several regards. As Ontario has opened up and our client sites have returned to a new kind of normal, we have changed our safety measures. 


Current Measures 2023

We continue to require all our staff to be fully vaccinated, to self-screen each day prior to work and to wear an N95 or medical mask whenever possible.  We encourage our students to be vaccinated and wear masks where possible, and we recognize that each of our centres and locations will have different levels of screening for students and workers and may have different rules about required vaccinations. We encourage you to ask the Centres about the specific policies in place.  Do not hesitate to contact Ian for more information about safety at 


For Reference: Fall 2021 - Winter 2022 Safety Measures  

All our Centres have various screening and safety measures in place, in accordance with local and provincial health regulations and these measures do vary from Centre to Centre.

In all our sites, Orange STEM continues with several key measures:

-Sealing our tablets and instructions in plastic,

-Numbering our kits for tracking,

-Minimizing the contacts on our LEGO and technology with frequent cleaning,

-Being fully vaccinated and always wearing masks in the classroom,

-Requiring student masks and vaccines as per the current health guidelines.


For Reference: Summer 2021 Safety Protocols

In addition to the many safety protocols in place in our client sites (City of Ottawa and independent recreation centres), we have implemented these key protocols:

-Class sizes are reduced and depend on the available space.

-Physical distancing is emphasized and student spacing is increased with more tables.

-Project work is individual, not teamwork.

-The classroom style is quiet and controlled.

-Individual clean LEGO boxes and pieces are provided to each student.

-No equipment is shared in a class.

-Tablets and instructions are sealed in plastic for use and easy cleaning.

-All LEGO and equipment are fully cleaned and disinfected before every class.

-Kits are numbered and each user is recorded for tracking if needed.

-Ian wears an N95 mask or an ASTM Level 3 mask, and student masks are required.

-Ian is willing to do classes in outdoor settings Spring, Summer and Fall.


Revised  March 13, 2023